Our team

Michał Rapacki

PRESIDENT OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD, among others, of BSA Śledztwa i Audyty Gospodarcze sp. z o.o.

Licensed detective since 2003.

The former officer of the Central Bureau of Investigation of the Police.

A coach in the field of business security and a negotiator.

He deals with debt collection and legal and criminal issues relating to fraud committed to the detriment of the companies.

He constantly works to improve the perception of the image of licensed detectives in Poland.

He graduated from the Police Academy in Szczytno (police rank – Assistant Police Commissioner) and Mazovian School of Humanities and Education, a former employee of the Police and Central Bureau of Investigation. He has comprehensive professional skills and several learned professions.

A lecturer at the Strategic Business Intelligence at Kozminski Academy in Warsaw – one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

He conducted the most complex investigations and search issues in the country. He was

a member of several most important investigation teams in 1997-2002.

He is an author of over a dozen articles on the business security, as well as the advisor on current issues concerning problems of companies working nowadays.

Co-author of a new concept functioning on the basis of economic investigation, i.e. Detective Business Intelligence.

He conducts investigations and detective business intelligence and executes debt collection operations for clients of BSA Śledztwa i Audyty Gospodarcze as well as he deals with trainings.

In addition, he and his partners, develop for their customers business solutions in the field of security policy and implements them in enterprises.

Adam Kowalik

Advisor, manager, analyst and trainer with 20 years of professional experience in Poland and abroad. He specializes in competitive strategy, business intelligence and analysis, knowledge management and business development. He has worked for the leaders of several dozen of the largest Polish companies from various industries. He also carried out projects for public administration.

He has been running his own consulting practice for several years. Previously he worked at EY as the director responsible for the strategic market intelligence team (2006-2016). He started his career at Plus GSM where he dealt with knowledge management (2001-2006).

He cooperates with the leading Polish universities. He was the founder, manager and lecturer at postgraduate studies in “Strategic Corporate Intelligence” at the Kozminski University and head of the Department of Management at SWPS University. He also shares his knowledge at international conferences.

As part of professional volunteering he founded in 2012 the Polish branch of the Strategic & Competitive Intelligence Professionals association, which he chaired until 2015.

Adam holds detective’s license. He obtained a master’s degree and then a doctoral degree at the Warsaw School of Economics. He was a Fulbright scholar in the USA and CEMS student in Norway

Dariusz Dura

Consultant, specialist for safety and security. For 25 years of service and professional work, he has been associated with the area of ​​national and internal security as well as security and protection in the private sector from the beginning.

He has professional experience in operational, analytical and managerial positions. For 6 years associated with work in the field of security in international business organizations. For a period of 2 years associated with the implementation of tasks for the maritime security sector in high-risk areas. He was on missions outside the country.

He specializes in managing integrated security and protection systems covering a spectrum of related issues: physical protection, technical security, organizational security, risk management, business continuity, crisis management, OSINT information acquisition and analysis.

He has undergone many specialized security trainings – IMINT image recognition analysts course at the Military University of Technology, a course in the use of OSINT Jane’s IHS Markit information analysis tools. He completed training in crisis management for members and managers of the Crisis Management Team. Completed training courses in the scope of ISO 27001 and ISO 31001 standards. Lead auditor ISO 22301.

Former professional soldier and officer of uniformed services. He ended his military service as an analyst of the analysis group in the ISTAR Reconnaissance Management Group.

He has been practicing sport shooting for 18 years. Instructor and shooting leader. Passionate about mountain expeditions and all forms of active leisure. They are interested in international security and geopolitics.

He is still professionally active in the area of ​​security.

Rafał Czeczótka

graduate of Computer Science at University of Gdansk, postgraduate at Canadian Executive MBA at UQAM/SGH. Professional experience in information and IT security (cybersecurity) since 1994. Unique experience and competences are also confirmed by international certificates (CISM/Certified Information Security Manager, PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27005 Risk Manager, PECB Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Lead Auditor, PRINCE2) and courses (PKI implementation – Baltimore KeySteps, requirements engineering and project management courses related to software development).


25 years of experience in information and IT security, gained during projects for clients from the IT services, financial, telecommunications, healthcare/pharmacy, distribution, industry, public administration and international institutions sectors. Experience with standards related to information security and IT: ISO 27001 (information security management), ISO 27002 (information security best practices), ISO 27005 (information security risk management), ISO 27799 (healthcare security), ISO 20000 (service management), ISO 22301 (business continuity management) or ISO 24762 (disaster recovery). This experience also includes the protection of legally protected information such as confidential information in business, personal data, banking, telecommunications, stock exchange listed companies or government classified information.


Also nearly 20 years of experience in project management gained during the implementation of projects for companies in the financial sector, telecommunications, industry and public administration.


Many years of experience allows to offer unique and top quality service, ranging from strategic level management issues, through legal and operational, to technological issues.

BSA Śledztwa i Audyty Gospodarcze Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.
Budynek Spektrum Tower,
ul. Twarda 18 piętro XXI, 00-105 Warszawa

W związku z nowelizacją przepisów ustawy o usługach detektywistycznych (link : http://prawo.sejm.gov.pl/isap.nsf/download.xsp/WDU20170000556/O/D20170556.pdf) oraz obowiązkiem informacyjnym wynikającym z powołanej ustawy jak i z RODO (link https://www.giodo.gov.pl/pl/569/9276) niniejszym informujemy, że zgodnie z art. 28c. Ustawy o usługach detektywistycznych do przetwarzania danych osobowych zebranych w toku wykonywania czynności, o których mowa w art. 2 ust. 1, nie stosuje się przepisów art. 13 ust. 1 i 2 oraz art. 15 ust. 1 lit. a, c i g rozporządzenia Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektywy 95/46/WE (ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych) (Dz. Urz. UE L 119 z 04.05.2016, str. 1, z późn. zm.) ).

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